
  • 2024 National Art Education Association Convention, Minneapolis, MN. April 4-6, 2024.

PRESENTATION: What Does an Equitable, Diverse, and inclusIve Classroom Look Like Today?

Mrs. Arneson & Mr. Juárez


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Please note: This Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion Toolkit is a working document. It is our way of organizing and documenting what we have been exploring as a department, implementing into our curriculum, and reflecting on our teaching practice since the Fall of 2022. 


PROGRAM: Art Alumni Virtual Artist Talks

Click here to visit our recorded interviews.

PROJECT: Exploring Visual Language, Storytelling, and Design

Advanced 3-D Design

Ailyn V, “A Day in the Life of a Student”, 2023, pencil, Sharpie, 16 x 12 inches.

In my artwork, it represents a day in the life of a student. The bigger clock represents the 5 days we go to school. Students wake up, take some sort of transportation to get to school, and basically must sit and learn for about 7 hours. Once those 7 hours are done we go home and do the homework they gave us. We finish it and by then it’s bedtime. We will repeat it again next week. The smaller clock shows what my weekend is like, and how I take a “break” from school. I wake up and clean for 3 hours, and then use my phone for the rest of the day. The hands of both the clocks represent the time we get to eat at school, throughout the school day, and on the weekend. The word ‘Repeat’ in the middle is that this cycle repeats for the next 9 months. The spiraling outside the clock is just a little illusion I decided to add.

Grace A, “Inner Seasons”, 2023, pencil, watercolor, marker, collage, colored pencil, 14 x 11 inches.

“Inner Seasons” depicts a woman divided into four sections. The first section shows her in all grays with a blue background and a tear rolling down her cheek. This represents the sadness and hardships she has experienced. She feels numb and like she doesn’t belong in this society. The second section shows her blacked-out head splitting open, allowing a collage bird to escape. She is all black because the bird, or her thoughts, define her and she is nothing without it. The bird is her thoughts, they are bursting from her head because she can’t contain them all. Her thoughts are ideas she has from others or herself, things she likes or hates, and her personality. The third section shows half of the bottom of her face. She is smiling, dressed up for a fancy occasion, and fireworks are going off in the background. This represents happiness and joyous occasions. When she’s with her friends or family, at a party, or just happy, is when she’s in this section. The last section has a black background, representing a dull and colorless world. The girl is made up of different patterns, showing what makes her herself. People are the colors that brighten the meaningless world and everyone have different patterns that make them up. She is displaying her pattern proudly, not ashamed to be herself.

Lilac L, “In Between”, 2023, colored pencils, 10 x 8 inches.

This art piece is about my culture and myself. I want to tell others that sometimes it’s okay to not know what you are. In my art piece, you can see she’s a little distressed. She doesn’t know who she really is and is trying to figure it out. Many Hmong elements are drawn in the background and on my muse. There are times when I don’t know if I’m just Hmong or just American. In the end, I am Hmong American.

PROJECT: Democracy Through Art

Art Foundations 2 and Senior Art 2

Upcoming PROJECT: DIY Exhibition, SP 2024

Focusing on Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion, Social Emotional Learning, and Belonging Through the Lens of High School Art Students